Kosoff Family
As Steven and I walked towards the entrance of Milton Lee Olive Park, we saw Jenny, Andrew, and baby Cameron sitting in the distance. They matched in beautiful nautical blue outfits. This session felt extra fun because we shot on Cameron's actual 1st birthday! He had been celebrating with family and friends all month, but getting to capture little Cameron on his 365th day of life was a real treatl.
We bonded immediately with the Kosoff's as we have mutual friends through the Stewart family whose family session and 1st birthday party we had just captured a few months ago! Andrew happened to be a random roommate with Max during freshman year in college at Indiana University. How awesome that they've stayed friends to this day!
Jenny, Andrew, and Cameron braved the humidity and heat with ease and we loved shooting with them on this fine summer day.

When Cameron smiles, it lights up his entire face! He is a handsome little guy, am I right?!

As expecting parents of a little boy, we loved spending time with the Kosoff's and celebrating this exciting time in their lives! Jenny provided words of wisdom and Andrew kept us laughing throughout the session. Little Cameron didn't cry at all and was such an easy baby!
Cheers to the Kosoff's! We hope year 2 is full of even more fun memories and joy than year one :)