Chloe’s Newborn Session
One of our greatest joys as family photographers is getting to celebrate milestones with our families year after year. Last year, we helped document the Stewart family as their only daughter (at the time), Elle, turning one years old as well as her one year old birthday party! We absolutely loved getting to join the Stewart family again this year :)
This year, a new little girl named Chloe joined the family just before Elle turned 2 and we were so honored to meet the little babe when she was just a week old over Memorial Day weekend! There’s nothing more precious than a newborn.
Steph and Max proved themselves to be super parents who not only attended a wedding, but also planned a beautiful ice cream stand themed birthday party for Elle in one weekend just one week after giving birth to Chloe. We are in awe.
The newborn stage wasn’t that long ago for us, and yet it already feels to far away! A constant cycle of feeding, diapers and sleeping, and blurring of the days of nights. Steph and Max handled a home renovation, giving birth, and taking care of a toddler, newborn, and dog with little to no sleep all at once! Kudos to these incredible parents!!

Love this picture of Elle!

Cheers to the Stewart family! We can’t wait to continue walking alongside your life milestones :)